Gas prices are nearing $6.00. The country has a military presence in almost every continent. The economy is still recovering slowly from 2008. Unemployment continues to hover around an all-time high. People run/jump/burrow/younameit through the Mexican/American border. These are the issues our country faces, and with the November Presidential election looming, this post will dive into what the people of the US of A believe are the most critical issues.
In an effort to take a stab at the burning issues in the upcoming election, Fox News (among many other places, I’m sure) has a poll on their website where people can select the issues they deem important. The options are (listed in alphabetical order) education, energy, environment, federal spending, foreign relations, global economy, government regulation, gun rights, health care, illegal immigration, jobs & economy, national security, social issues, and social security & medicare.
The top six most voted on are federal spending (1825 votes), jobs & economy (1577), government regulation (1300), national security (1109), illegal immigration (975) and energy (971), respectively.
Fox News is also tracking the issues mentioned on Twitter in the last 24 hours. The results from Twitter strongly favor the economy (119k mentions). Energy and education are tied for second with 22k mentions each. The rest of the list is as follows: federal spending (6k); environment (5k); and health care (4.1k).
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