Friday, March 2, 2012

GOP Who's Who: Ron Paul

Come on down, Ron Paul.

Paul has been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 1776 1976. He is currently the Representative of Texas’s 14 District and has been in that post since 1997. 2012 is Paul’s third attempt to become the President, his first coming as a Libertarian in 1988 and more recently, in 2008, as a Republican.

Paul is widely regarded as an outspoken critic of American foreign policy as well as its monetary policies. He has been referred do as the “intellectual godfather of the Tea Party,” a highly publicized and criticized Libertarian-based party.

The New York Times believes Paul’s main challenge as winning over Tea Party conservatives that may be concerned with Paul’s desire to scale back the United States military presence abroad. There is also concern the Tea Party movement’s fiscal issues may not be well supported in a Presidential campaign. Paul has also spent the second most money in his campaign, trailing only Mitt Romney.

I believe that Paul is truly a long shot in the race for the GOP nomination, and the numbers support it. Heading into ‘Super Tuesday,‘ Paul is fourth in the delegate count with only 18, trailing the leader, Romney, by 132. (1144 delegates are needed to win the nomination; 2002 delegates remain)

Paul, further confirming his outspoken nature, has held nothing back in his campaign ads. This ad that attacks all three of his competitors.

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